I'll get there when I get there!

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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Sat July 16

Still doing well with my diet and water, focusing on protein and LOTS of water.  I'm loving the Sobe lifewater, all flavors actually.  They say "no artificial sweeteners" so I'm guessing the 0 calories and extra vitamins and antioxidents make this a great choice?  

I'm working on homework a lot today, I'm kind of a procrastinator.  I'm in my third quarter of my doctorate program in eduational leadership.  I currently am an instructor at Harrison College and just love my job more than I thought it was possible to love a job!  

Today a great friend of mine has a baby shower, I'm so excited for her and her first baby, a lil girl!  =)

What I need to do is exercise.  I can't do a whole lot, but I can swim..walk some...elliptical...dance...and a few other things...getting started is the hardest part.  The more I take off, the more my back can support activity.  

I'm in constant pain, head to toe, every second of every day.  Sometimes I complain more than other days, but the pain is always there.  

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