I'll get there when I get there!

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Friday, July 15, 2011

Pre-Op Info

New info today!  Next thursday I am going to the pre-op seminar which will last about 2 hours in the morning.  Then the following Monday (25th) I go in for all the pre-op testing.  Surgery *hopefully* soon to follow!!

Adjusting to the life pre-band....so far today 34 grams of protein and 76 oz of water.  No diet coke yet.  I have lost 9 lbs since my birthday on the 3rd.

Have I mentioned that I can not wait for this?  I want to meet goal-me so bad.  I've met within 20-lbs-of-goal-me...but I've never in life met goal-me.  I've been overweight since I was 5 so this has been a LONG time coming and I just can't wait for that.

I'm staying super motivated by reading others' stories on facebook, youtube, and blogs.  This community of support is just fantastic!!

Anyway, thanks for sharing this journey with me! =)

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited for you in your journey! Let us know how the seminar goes...ask lots and lots of questions :)
