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Friday, July 15, 2011

First Blog....No band yet!

Here we go!  I have gone through all of the steps to get banded.  I have attended support group meetings, met with the nutritionist, met with the surgeon, PA, coordinators...I've had my psych eval...and I've done all of this twice now!  A brief history....  I've been overweight since I was 5 years old.  The first time I had a dramatic weight loss was after my first son was born.  I lost 110 lbs following the nutritionist's plan at St. Francis weight loss center.  After a DVT/PE hospital stay and everything that goes along with that, I started gaining it back.  That's when I went through the process to be approved for the band the first time.  When the day came that I was all approved and had a date...I found out I was pregnant with son number 2!  And...at the end of that year my insurance decided to stop covering the band.  So, I went through the whole glorious pregnancy thing and then I psyched up to lose the weight...again...This time I lost 130 lbs by following Weight Watchers.  As I came within 15 lbs of my goal...only 15!  More discs in my back decided to go out, leaving me with 10 herniated discs, degenerated disc disease, arthritis, spurring, AND severe head to toe fibromyalgia.  All of the exercise I was doing really ended up putting the hurts on me.  No more 5 mile runs for this spine!  Now, about 18 months later I have put 90 of those pounds back on.  Now is the time for the band.  I have to self-pay because for some reason insurance doesn't think being a healthy weight is worth the money.  That's ok...I can pay it and I DESERVE IT.  My kids deserve it too!  I have a wonderfully awesome IUD to ensure no more babies and am ready to DO THIS!  I just turned 30 and was hoping to reach my weight loss goals by now...but that wasn't in the cards for me so I've re-adjusted to 32.

My Goals for 32?

I will reach my goal weight!

I will finish my Doctorate program!  (I'm 3 quarters into it and have a 4.0!)

I will be teaching full time!  (I teach part time at Harrison College since I have these cute babies at home...well ages 6 and 3)

I will be able to exercise more and go hiking again.

I will feel comfortable in my own skin.

My back pain will be less.

Now I know the fibro isn't going anywhere...but...if I can take weight off of the table, I'll be more apt to get better help from doctors in working on that problem.

So...I am all approved....I've made payment arrangements...now I just need a date.  I love to share my thoughts, ideas, motivation, etc...hence joining in the blogging world.  =)

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the blogosphere! I am your first follower...I can't wait to learn more about you and your journey. Please check out my blog and facebook page...we share lots of great info and tips. :)
