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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

22 Days to Band

Hello and happy wednesday!  I didn't write yesterday mainly because it was a bad flare day.  This thing called fibromyalgia really has ravaged my entire body.  On Monday I both exercised and went to work...now my work isn't considered physically taxing as I am a college instructor...yet any standing, walking around, carrying my stuff etc. can be hard on me if it is a bad day.  I try to sit mostly...my students know I have this pain issue and have been very understanding.  I was completely exhausted and sore when I got home monday night and just needed to rest, yet was in too much pain to sleep.  

Tuesday I was able to sleep in since my parents kept both my kiddos monday night!  It was a weird flare riddled day.  I didn't do much.  It was hard to even lift my arms up.  I did manage to get all moved into a new journal, add some inspirational pictures/phrases, and write some in it.  I'm going to fill that bad boy up with this journey!!  By the time it is full, I will be different!  I was able to visit some friends, my joy-bringers I call them, for a few before my kiddos came back home.  

I have homework to do (as I'm working on my doctorate) and I'm always looking for new things to have my class do... Today I just have my youngest home with me and he is currently perched up on my lap drinking chocolate milk and watchin spongebob. =)

In keeping track of total weight lost... I have lost 47.4 lbs from my highest weight.  

I had my appoinment with Dr. Clark right before my bday and have lost 10 lbs now since my bday weekend ended.  

My goal is to lose as much weight as I possibly can before surgery!  I see NO sense in not progressing now.  And I definitely do NOT want to gain any more and make myelf have that much more to lose.  I'm ready to reach my goal and STAY THERE THIS TIME!!!!!  

Each day I am gaining huge inspiration and motivation from my banded peers on youtube and facebook.  I'm so grateful that this community is so social and vocal!!  I'm on FB everyday anyway and to be able to be inspired is just priceless.  The transformations I see are simply amazing.  

Losing the weight will help with my back pain, well my low back pain anyway.  I know my fibro will most likely be worse as it is worse every year, no matter my size.  But, being at my goal weight will let drs know that my weight isn't what is causing my pain and can focus on other ideas to make me feel better.  

I can't wait to go walking outside....I really wish this intense heat wave would go away!  Actually there is a waterwall close to home that I'm looking forward to walking to again...and the walk back is up an extreme hill...so it is great for the legs and rear!  I love hiking too...I want to tackle some trails here soon...just need a non-kid day to go do it...and can't wait till my boys are old enough to do outdoor stuff like that with me.  They will be mommy's hiking buddies once they are big enough.  

I need to go shopping for some groceries and a variety of protein drinks to try.  I've been hearing of this bariatric advantage line that I need to try.  Also can't wait for my BodyMedia Armband to come in the mail, should be here today or tomorrow!  Yay!  It tracks sleep too which is awesome.  I already know pain is what prevents me from sleep...but the more I know the better I can tend to it.

<3 <3 <3

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