I'll get there when I get there!

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Thursday, August 18, 2011

1 week Bandiversary!

Hello world!  I woke up happy this morning!  When I stood up I didn't have much pain at all!  Then after looking at the scale I was made even happier...a great start to this day!  So...here are a few numbers for you....  I did not get all the way back up to my highest weight before having surgery...this gave me a good head start!

So far I have lost:

59.8 from my highest

22.4 since my 30th bday on July 3

6.4 since getting my band

I have been feeling really hungry in the evenings.  I am focusing on protein first as much as possible while still on a liquid diet.  I'm on this diet for one more week, then I can add in mushies.  I'm very grateful that eggbeaters are on my liquid list because that seems to be the only thing that makes me feel full for a few hours.

I'm getting in plenty of water... 96 ounces yesterday...I really love powerade zero and I stock up on the 32 ounce bottles.  I notice that my band really does not like to be dry.  In the mornings and after I went to lay down for while when feeling bad...band definitely let me know it wanted some hydration!

It must be a water sign like I am.  We both need water to be happy.  =)

I'm loving all of the online support.  I've met many wonderful people going through similar things and it is just great that we can all motivate each other.

I read the book, "Bandwagon" and I recommend it to everyone!  It is over 500 pages of terrific information!

I'm not sure what all else to say at this poing so I'm going to leave you with a couple pictures of the reasons I want to be healthy...my boys. =)

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