I'll get there when I get there!

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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Weekend Rambles

It is finally Sat and I was able to sleep in!  It is MUCH easier to get through this initial phase of the liquid diet if I get a later start to the day.  Getting up at 6 am during the week makes for LONG days and LOTS of hunger so far.  With my chronic pain, I'm used to laying in bed in denial on mornings that I don't have to get up to attend to kids or work or various other responsibilities.  I can just stay stretched out for a bit and think.  Sometimes my body hurts too bad to move.  Sometimes I may actually be comfortable...although this is rare. I've never quite gotten along with sleep.  

Anyway.  I haven't needed any pain meds for surgery related pain and I haven't been taking pain meds for my back/muscle pain.  I don't like relying on meds for anything.  After 17 years of medications and doctors and treatments and physical therapies etc....nothing has ever helped with pain so I figure why take it?  Gonna be in pain anyway....and then have whatever side effect the meds cause.  

I have decided to take one day at a time.  It is really all I can handle.  I have GOALS.  I'm motivated.  I'm driven.  I want to be better...feel better...do better.  Anything that I can do...to improve myself...will only benefit my loved ones.

My oldest son is 6 and so full of energy and go go go!  It is hard to keep up with him!  My youngest is 3 and very calm, happy, peaceful.  I have many blessings!

Yesterday...I did break the rules a bit.  I have been absolutely stomach roaring starving for a few days on the liquid diet.  I decided to add some fat free cottage cheese for lunch...3 ounces.  That held me for maybe 2 hours.  An hour after eating I did drink 48 ounces of water..I've had no problems getting the water in.  Then I went out for the first time since surgery and went to the drive in movies.  I was starving and trying to figure out the best choice.  So I asked for side of the chili topping that they put on the hot dogs...it was like the hormel canned chili...and also a side of the cheese.  They came in little 2 ounce plastic containers.  I ate maybe 3 ounces of that and it was AMAZING to eat real food.  Then I walked 2 laps around the field before the movies started.  

The weight has still been coming off every day...bit by bit...which is all I can ask for.  =)

I can't wait to eat some chicken!!!!!!  

I like adding pictures...so meet my dog...  Dobby the House Elf.  He's a Papillion...he's been with us 5 years already...wow.  

Thursday, August 18, 2011

1 week Bandiversary!

Hello world!  I woke up happy this morning!  When I stood up I didn't have much pain at all!  Then after looking at the scale I was made even happier...a great start to this day!  So...here are a few numbers for you....  I did not get all the way back up to my highest weight before having surgery...this gave me a good head start!

So far I have lost:

59.8 from my highest

22.4 since my 30th bday on July 3

6.4 since getting my band

I have been feeling really hungry in the evenings.  I am focusing on protein first as much as possible while still on a liquid diet.  I'm on this diet for one more week, then I can add in mushies.  I'm very grateful that eggbeaters are on my liquid list because that seems to be the only thing that makes me feel full for a few hours.

I'm getting in plenty of water... 96 ounces yesterday...I really love powerade zero and I stock up on the 32 ounce bottles.  I notice that my band really does not like to be dry.  In the mornings and after I went to lay down for while when feeling bad...band definitely let me know it wanted some hydration!

It must be a water sign like I am.  We both need water to be happy.  =)

I'm loving all of the online support.  I've met many wonderful people going through similar things and it is just great that we can all motivate each other.

I read the book, "Bandwagon" and I recommend it to everyone!  It is over 500 pages of terrific information!

I'm not sure what all else to say at this poing so I'm going to leave you with a couple pictures of the reasons I want to be healthy...my boys. =)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Day 5 with band and Reflecting on Past

I wanted to post some pictures of me the last time I lost the weight.  It is great motivation for me to get back to where I was.  I've felt like such a failure for gaining it back...twice....  However...I know how to do it!  I CAN and WILL do it!  This band is the tool I need to help me get back to where I was and to MAINTAIN it.  I've always been able to lose...always been able to gain....never been able to maintain.  At my lowest I was still 20lbs away from my goal.  Anyway...here are some older pics of me...without the black hair. =)

 The above pic was taken in Sept of 2009 at my BFF's birthday party...this night is the lowest weight I've ever reached...and I maintained it for that night only and started going back up from there...I was down to a size 12...only 20 lbs away from my goal.... At least I have less than 100 lbs to get back to there!  Actually I have about 75 to lose to get back to there.  It will happen!!!!  Before I even know it, I'll be shopping at white house/black market again. =)  mmmm how I love that store!

Halloween 2009.  Vamp Jenn was up a bit from september but still rocking the Vamp Attire!  I'd love to get back into that, yes I still have it!

Anyway...I have hundreds of pictures on facebook of me at every size..lol...well not at my ultimate highest weight...I wasn't on fb at that time.  Currently I'm 55 lbs down from my top weight.  A great jump start...so glad I didn't gain it ALL back this time.

I'm taking it easy today still...  the gas bubbles in my chest are the most painful....can't wait to get all of the gas OUT!  If the bubbles hurt so much makes me worried about having a stuck experience...which seems to happen to everyone at any stage of the game at some point along the journey.

Of course I'm still nervous that I actually inserted something into my body...wrapped around my stomach.  And I'm supposed to have it in there forever.  I'm just recently 30.....however...I have to believe that the pros of getting to a goal weight will outweigh any cons.  My back is just to degenerated to exercise as hard core as I was before.  That said, I am looking forward to exercising again.  I had started a 100 mile walking challenge and am excited to get back to it...Taking these 2 weeks off of exercise is just motivating me to get back at it when I get the all clear.

I'm still not hungry at all.  I feel tummy rumbles that are probably hunger...but I don't feel hungry yet.  I just added some choc carnation instant breakfast to my coffee and it is really good and sneaking in protein!  Also adding miralax to my coffee...since...well....there's been no pooping since wednesday!  Yet I keep taking hydrocodone.....  ahhhhh I'm kinda scared about that too!!!

Anyway...I'm taking tonight off of work.  That gives me a whole other week to recover and take it easy. The pain isn't so much what is keeping me from work as the dizziness and fear that I could pass out while teaching class.

Thank you for reading!  I think everyone on here has me on facebook...  I'm Jennifer Hynes Skopecek on there.  I'm currently cuddled up in my recliner with my 3 year old on my lap, a comforter, fan, and protein coffee. =)  My oldest is at school, he's a big first grader now!  <3

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Day 4 with my Realize Band and some photos

These pictures were taken the morning of my surgery, August 11, 2011.  

And this next one is taken in my room at the surgery center pre-op!  I'm all ready to get my band!!!

I'm going to try and keep updating as life progresses!  So far I am doing really well with the post-op liquid diet.  I have not been hungry at all yet.  Breakfast has been 1-2 ounces of applesauce with prilosec mixed in...I have to take the antacid for 2 months.  I've still had my decaf coffee...been adding in the miralax to counteract the hydrocodone.  Lunch has either been 1-2 ounces of pudding, cheddar cheese soup, or cream of wheat....same for dinner.  Also taking 2 ounces of pure protein shake occasionally.  Sipping water all day long...aside from waiting 30 mins after meals.  I'm also giving myself 3 shots of heparin a day to prevent blood clots since I've had DVT and Pulmonary Embolism several years ago.

I'm sleeping just fine, walking, going up and down stairs, attending to children on and off.  Right now my tummy is still sore and it is still sore/uncomfortable to take deep breaths.  The gas bubbles are uncomfortable and cause a bit of chest pain, but a good burp helps!  lol.

That is my update for right now! =)

Thanks for letting me share it with you!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

I like to draw inspiration from Quotes, Books, etc....

"Only once in your life, I truly believe, you find someone who can completely turn your world around. You tell them things that you’ve never shared with another soul and they absorb everything you say and actually want to hear more. You share hopes for the future, dreams that will never come true, goals that were never achieved and the many disappointments life has thrown at you. When something wonderful happens, you can’t wait to tell them about it, knowing they will share in your excitement. They are not embarrassed to cry with you when you are hurting or laugh with you when you make a fool of yourself. Never do they hurt your feelings or make you feel like you are not good enough, but rather they build you up and show you the things about yourself that make you special and even beautiful. There is never any pressure, jealousy or competition but only a quiet calmness when they are around. You can be yourself and not worry about what they will think of you because they love you for who you are. The things that seem insignificant to most people such as a note, song or walk become invaluable treasures kept safe in your heart to cherish forever. Memories of your childhood come back and are so clear and vivid it’s like being young again. Colours seem brighter and more brilliant. Laughter seems part of daily life where before it was infrequent or didn’t exist at all. A phone call or two during the day helps to get you through a long day’s work and always brings a smile to your face. In their presence, there’s no need for continuous conversation, but you find you’re quite content in just having them nearby. Things that never interested you before become fascinating because you know they are important to this person who is so special to you. You think of this person on every occasion and in everything you do. Simple things bring them to mind like a pale blue sky, gentle wind or even a storm cloud on the horizon. You open your heart knowing that there’s a chance it may be broken one day and in opening your heart, you experience a love and joy that you never dreamed possible. You find that being vulnerable is the only way to allow your heart to feel true pleasure that’s so real it scares you. You find strength in knowing you have a true friend and possibly a soul mate who will remain loyal to the end. Life seems completely different, exciting and worthwhile. Your only hope and security is in knowing that they are a part of your life." 
 Bob Marley

Friday, August 12, 2011


It is official!  Yesterday I was official banded!  My surgery went great...my team is top notch.  A friend asked me what all was involved in the lap-band surgery...here's how I explained it:

What I had was the lap-band procedure, laproscopic adjustable gastric banding. My surgeon chose the Realize brand band once he saw my insides and thought that one was best for me. There is also the Allegran band. He didn't have a preference between the two, just picks once he's in.

It is a laproscopic surgery so I only have 5 small incisions, one is centered high in my belly and the other 4 are down horizontal to my belly button. The tools/medical instruments are inserted at these points as well as a camera, so he is doing all of his work looking at a screen.

They inflate you with carbon dioxide gas to make for more room to get around. Then he wraps the band around the upper part of my stomach, leaving about a 3-4 ounce pouch, and snaps the band closed like one of those clear wire ties that you wrap around cords and click to close. At this point the band is left empty/unfilled. He then stiches my stomach a little bit around the band in order to keep it from slipping out of place. There is a tube joining the band to a port. The port was stapled to my abdominal muscle near my belly button with this handy device that staples it right on. This port is used for saline fills or unfills as need throughout time to make the band tighter or looser as needed to keep a good sense of restriction.

My first fill appointment is in a month as it is empty now while healing. 

Well I don't know why the font is all weird...I just copy/pasted this from a message I sent.

Anyway...today I'm just sore a bit and tired...but overall I am very ok!!  =)

I haven't been hungry yet at all...just taking my 2 ounces or liquid so I can take my pain meds.  Speaking of..it's time for my next dose!

Just wanted to keep up to date.  

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

9 Days to Band!

First...I wanted to post this link because I think it is a great article.  Lessons for Lap Band Success. 

I did all of my pre-op testing yesterday, and it took all day!  Wow!  Then I had work, so it was a long day.  I've been following the pre-op diet, except yesterday...I had to eat real food after that Barium.  Not that white poop isn't fun, but that was nasty!

I am so ready for this band.  I am so ready to meet the me I am supposed to be.  I am ready to get back where I was and stay there...forever.

I have been reading all kinds of material, information, blogs, statuses, watching youtubes, etc.  The WLS community is greatly supportive and motivational. I'm so happy that I've found all the people that I've found so far.

Truth is...though I've done this alone before....I also failed...alone.  I can't do this alone and be successful.  I need the community, the support system.  I need encouragement.  It's my motivational oxygen!

Taking the kids to a lake to swim today...fresh air, water...and away from the kitchen!!